61 best things To do in Grenada (2021 Edition)

The island of Grenada in the Caribbean is a true jewel. There are many things to do in Grenada, but there isn’t a lot of information online about this tiny island nation.

We’ve lived here for over 5 years, so we know lots of special things to do in Grenada and this blog has a lot more information than any other online today.

The Isle of spice is located just far enough south in the Caribbean to avoid the tourism masses that the northern islands see, yet it’s still easy enough to travel to Grenada on a cruise ship or a direct flight from North America.

There are so lots of things to do in Grenada, you could spend a year and never be bored!

If you’re wondering what to do in Grenada during your trip, I’ve got you covered. here is my list of 61 best things to do in Grenada:

*This post has been updated in 2021. These items are in no particular buy and the Parishes are provided in brackets.

1. try “Doubles” (St. George) – one of the best things to do in Grenada for foodies
2. Grand Etang national Park (St. Andrews)
3. La Sagesse beach (St. David)
4. Sunsets at La Luna (St. George)
5. Sailing (St. George)
6. BBQ’s in Grenada (Island Wide)
7. Dodgy Dock (True Blue, St. George)
8. Hashing: one of the most special things To do in Grenada (Island Wide)
9. scuba Diving
10. Friday Bonfire & BBQ (St. George)
11. whisper Cove Marina (St. David)
12. Hog Island (St. David)
13. Roger’s Bar (Hog Island)
14. St. George’s Carenage (St. George)
15. Fort George (St. George)
16. Volunteer at the GSPCA (St. George)
17. Belmont Estate (St. Patrick)
18. See The Leatherback Turtles (St. Patrick)
19. River Antoine Rum Distillery (St. Patrick)
20. Prickly Bay Marina (Lance Aux Epines, St. George)
21. try Oil Down – Grenada’s national dish (Islandwide)
22. Sunset Sailing (St. George)
23. Levera beach (St. Patrick)
24. Carib’s leap (St. Patrick)
25. royal Mt. Carmel Waterfalls (St. Andrew)
26. Grand Anse Beach: one of the best things To do in Grenada! (St. George)
27. Umbrella’s beach Bar (Grand Anse Beach, St. George)
28. Morne Rouge beach (St. George)
29. Fort Frederick (St. George)
30. Fort Mathew (St. George)
31. practice yoga (St. George)
32. Annandale Falls (St. George)
33. Laura’s spice garden (St. David)
34. Ronda’s Ice cream (St. David)
35. Levera national Park & Bathway beach (St. Patrick)
36. Dragon Bay (St. George)
37. Fish Friday in Gouyave (St. John)
38. choose a Craft Beer (St. George)
39. Cycle excursion (St. George)
40. carnival (St. George)
41. Kayak excursion (St. David)
42. Deep-Sea fishing (Leave From St. George)
43. Concord Falls (St. John)
44. Mt. Moritz breakfast (St. George)
45. Saturday morning Grenada Market (St. George)
46. Mount. St. Catherine (St. Mark)
47. magazine beach (St. George)
48. Lake Antoine (St. Patrick)
49. Grenada Fish Market (St. George)
50. Black Bay beach with Amerindian markings (St. John)
51. Dougaldston Spice Estate (St. John)
52. St. George’s Anglican Church (St. George)
53. national museum (St. George)
54. Drive around the Island
55. house of chocolate (St. George)
56. Go Bowling (St. George)
57. Le Phare Bleu (St. David)
58. Golfing at Grenada Golf & country Club (Grand Anse/St. George)
59. Visit Carriacou & Petit Martinique
60. listen to Steel pan music in Grenada 
61. Pure Grenada music festival (St. George)
Now You know What To do in Grenada!

1. try “Doubles” (St. George) – one of the best things to do in Grenada for foodies

Doubles are a delicious breakfast found in the southern Caribbean and while they’re originally from Trinidad, they’re so delicious that they make our list of things to do in Grenada.

Sweet and spicy chickpea curry is wrapped inside of a soft bara bread.

Latta and her spouse make the best ones on the island, and you can find them serving doubles out of the back of their orange van on wall street in Grand Anse. Update: Latta and Frank now have an orange and dark coloured van! look for either one of them. 

2. Grand Etang national Park (St. Andrews)

This beautiful, lush park is set high in the mountains of Grenada. At 1,900ft, this is the best spot to escape the heat and take pleasure in nature.

With the seven Sisters Waterfalls, a lake, and limitless walking trails, Grand Etang is a place you could return to again and again. checking out this national Park is one of the top things to do in Grenada for sure. 

Join this highly rated day trip which includes round trip transportation, a guide to show you the way, and complimentary time to take pleasure in swimming in the waterfalls.

*Note* these days there’s a new highwire canopy obstacle course that has been built in the rainforest at Grand Etang faller. Mange mennesker gleder seg over denne aktiviteten, og det er noe morsomt å gjøre i Grenada med barn.

Syv søstre fossefall i Grenada

3. La Sagesse Beach (St. David)

En sensasjonell vik med myk sand, klart vann og foret med palmer. Dette er en av de beste strendene i Grenada. Du kan gå lengden på stranden og knapt se en annen person. Det er bare ett hotell på denne stranden, som har en restaurant som er åpen for frokost, lunsj og middag.

*Merk: Ettersom La Sagesse vanligvis er ganske stille, må du være oppmerksom på verdisakene dine og din sikkerhet når du er på denne stranden.

Topputflukter i Grenada (den enkleste måten å se alle de beste attraksjonene i Grenada)

Har du en dag til overs og vil ta en utflukt rundt øya? Mange mennesker er ikke komfortable med å kjøre i utlandet (og kjøringen i Grenada kan være litt gal!), Men et fantastisk alternativ er å ta en halv dagstur, eller en heldags ekskursjon mens du krysser av for noen av de viktigste Aktiviteter i Grenada underveis.

1. Halvdagshøydepunkter av tingene du kan se i Grenada

Denne høyt rangerte halvdagers ekskursjonen tar St. George’s Town, Annadale Falls, Grand Etang Lake, et romdestilleri og den sensasjonelle Morne Rouge-stranden. Lær mye mer og les reisende anmeldelser her.

2. Halvdagers vestkysten høydepunkter

Denne høyt rangerte halvdagers ekskursjonen tar inn den mindre besøkte vestkysten av Grenada. På vei oppover kysten vil du ta inn Belvidere -eiendommen (lære om dyrking av frukt, grønnsaker og krydder), sjekke ut Concord -fossefall, Gouyave muskatnøtts prosesseringsstasjon, Diamond Chocolate Factory (gratis prøver av Jouvay -sjokolade inkludert), Og et stopp i Grand Etang nasjonalpark på vei tilbake. Lær mye mer og les reisende anmeldelser her.

3. Hele dagshøydepunkter og toppsteder å sjekke ut i Grenada

Denne høyt rangerte heldags ekskursjonen er litt lengre og bruker mange ting å gjøre i Grenada som jeg viser i denne artikkelen. Du vil sjekke ut St. George’s Town, Grand Etang Rainforest, Concord Fosses, Douglas Spice Plantation og River Antoine Rum Distillery. Lær mye mer og les reisende anmeldelser her.

4. Solnedganger på La Luna (St. George)

Det er mange steder å glede seg over den gyldne solnedgangen med et glass hvitvin i hånden, men det beste stedet må være på det nydelige La Luna -hotellet.

Å gå en svømmetur, slappe av på strandstoler og nyte solnedgangen med en drink er noe av det beste å gjøre i Grenada. Du kan komme hit for en drink i den fantastiske friluftsbaren selv om du ikke er hotellgjest.

Solnedgang på Laluna er en virkelig hemmelighet på øya! Selv lokalbefolkningen vet ikke om halvprisdrinkene, så du vil sannsynligvis ikke finne dette på noen annen liste over ting å gjøre i Grenada.

☞ Klikk her for å se gjeldende pris på Laluna på booking.com.

5. Seiling (St. George)

Å komme ut på vannet er et behov for når du sjekker ut en øy! Å seile opp og ned den karibiske kystlinjen ombord på en katamaran er en magisk opplevelse. Sjekk ut fotloose utflukter for en fantastisk dag (eller flere dager) med seiling. (Oppdatering: Vårt elskede selskap å seile med er kunnskapsrike, mye mer på dem nedenfor).

Hvis du planlegger å bruke mye mer tid i denne regionen av verden, må du huske å sjekke ut Bahamas – spesielt Exumas. Vi svømte nylig med de populære grisene og leide en båt for å utforske alle de fantastiske cays! Vannet rundt Bahamas er krystallklart og å se svømmeiser er noe du ikke vil gå glipp av.

6. BBQ -er i Grenada (Island Wide)

Hver helg satte lokale leverandører opp BBQ -ene på gaten og serverer litt deilig svinekjøtt og kylling. Ta en titt på BBQ på D’Pliff, St. Paul’s, Jerk Chicken i Grand Anse Valley, og Rosannes BBQ nær Red Gate (St. David) Det er den beste BBQ på øya!

7. Dodgy Dock (True Blue, St. George)

This amazing marina-side restaurant and bar is a nice place to meet up with pals for an afternoon beer or dinner. Utsikten over vannet og seilbåtene er nydelig.

I tillegg kan du også bo her på True Blue Bay Resort, eller betale for et dagspass som vil gi deg tilgang til vannsport, bassenger, salongstoler, mat og drikke. Click here to learn a lot more about true Blue.

8. Hashing: En av de mest spesielle tingene å gjøre i Grenada (Island Wide)

Hash House Harriers er en sosial løping/turing group that meets every Saturday. someone sets up a trail around the island (usually about 2 hours long) and the runners/walkers follow piles of shredded paper until they reach the finish line. The starting and finishing point is usually at a rum shack! It’s a lot of fun and a very special thing to do in Grenada.

Check out our article: On! På! The Art of Hashing in Grenada

Fun Note: Hashing is one of the best things to do on Grenada because you can become a part of a pretty amazing community with loads of locals, expats, students and tourists on the island.

9. scuba Diving

The diving around Grenada is stunning. This island isn’t really known for being a diving destination, but with the first Underwater Sculpture Park in the world, shipwrecks, and coral that has been essentially untouched, it really must be a lot more popular.

Check out Dive Grenada, the best dive shop on the island with exceptional divemasters, and equipment. Nick has done many dives with this company and highly recommends them.

Don’t miss this article and video: Under The Caribbean Sea With Dive Grenada

10. Friday Bonfire & BBQ (St. George)

This is one of the best things to do in Grenada on a Friday night. If you like bonfires, s’mores, steel pan music and BBQs (and who doesn’t?!) head to the savvy beach Cabana, which is one of the best restaurants in Grenada.

Dine under the stars with your feet submerged in the soft sand, while the local steel pan band serenades you with their tunes.

For dinner, take your pick between chicken, steak, fish, lobster and more, which are all served with a side of rice and peas, mashed pumpkin, roast potatoes and house salad. 

For dessert, relive your childhood by toasting a marshmallow on the beach bonfire to create your own s’more, complete with graham crackers and a square of Grenadian chocolate. 

Savvy beach Cabana during the day. A stunning location – don’t miss Friday nights here and lunches any day of the week

Insider Tip: lots of guests assume that the side dishes are served in hollowed-out coconut shells, but they’re actually made from calabash – impress your server with your island knowledge! 

Outside of Friday nights, the savvy beach Cabana is open for lunch and drinks from 10:00am to sundown. This is a terrific lunchtime spot with a diverse, tasty, and affordable menu. Don’t miss the catch of the day, the chuck burger, and (when in season) the lobster linguine.

The lobster linguine with parmesan at savvy beach Cabana is a need to try

Savvy beach Cabana is a part of mount Cinnamon Grenada, one of the top-rated accommodation options here on the island. If you’re trying to find a terrific place to have dinner outside of Friday nights, then check out their second restaurant, Savvy’s.

11. whisper Cove Marina (St. David)

If you’re trying to find something to do in Grenada on Saturday afternoons, look no further! For only $10 USD you can take pleasure in a steak lunch with french fries, salad, and a cold beer! (Update 2021: This restaurant is now under new management. On Saturdays, they now offer Spicy wings, Fish cakes, Fish tacos or Battered fish, with fries for $11 USD).

12. Hog Island (St. David)

This stunning island is just a 10-minute boat ride from whisper Cove Marina, or you can drive the bumpy road from Mt. Hartman Dove Sanctuary, and then walk across the bridge. Or, you can set off on a long walk from near the secret Cove Marina.

Hog Island has a terrific trail for hiking, a great (shallow beach), and terrific views. This is one of the a lot more off-track places to check out in Grenada.

13. Roger’s Bar (Hog Island)

There’s a little ramshackle bar located on Hog Island and every Sunday, Roger puts on a lunch BBQ

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